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Ypomoni's story

My name is Alexandru Anghel, the pilgrim behind the YPOMONI concept. Our story begins with my pilgrimages to Greece, and particularly to Mount Athos, where I discovered a burning passion for handcrafted Byzantine jewelry and authentic Greek icons. This sacred place, known for its deep spirituality and centuries-old traditions, opened my eyes to a world of special beauty and significance.
During these travels, I had the opportunity to meet special people, true keepers of Orthodox traditions and Byzantine art. Each of them had a unique story, but they all shared the same love for Orthodoxy and the art that has flowed for thousands of years from this never-ending fountain of Orthodoxy. I met monks who dedicated their lives to prayer and needlework, artisan jewelers who combined traditional techniques with contemporary designs, and skilled people who created truly special objects. Each meeting was a lesson in humility and mastery, strengthening my desire to bring this sacred art closer to the people of Romania.
Our jewelry is handcrafted with great care and love by these Greek artisan monks and jewelers. Each piece is prayerfully created with meticulous attention to detail, using the highest quality materials. Silver, gold, precious and semi-precious stones are transformed into true works of art, each model having its own story and meaning. Each piece of jewelry is more than just an object; it is a testimony to the faith, tradition and dedication of those who create it. It is a link between the wearer and the millennial traditions of Orthodoxy. With your help, we also manage to contribute and help the monks with whom we collaborate. By purchasing our products, part of the money goes to the monks we collaborate with, helping them and supporting their secluded life.
"Ypomoni" is a brand that aims to bring this beauty and spirituality into the lives of people around the world. Every piece of jewelry and icon we offer is a bridge between past and present, a window into a world where art and faith harmoniously intertwine to create something truly special. Behind each product is a story of tradition and craftsmanship, passed down from generation to generation. The monks of Mount Athos dedicate their lives to praying and creating these sacred objects, bringing a part of their spirituality and tranquility to each creation.
In turn, the master jewelers of Greece combine traditional techniques with contemporary designs, succeeding in bringing to life pieces of rare beauty and inestimable value. These products are not just purchases, but real treasures that will accompany you throughout your life. Whether you buy them for yourself or to give as gifts to loved ones, they are sure to bring joy and blessing. We invite you to discover our collection and enjoy these unique objects, made with passion and dedication.
Thank you for choosing YPOMONI and we look forward to your return to discover new products that will delight your soul and senses. Every piece of jewelry and icon we offer is a bridge between past and present, a window into a world where art and faith harmoniously intertwine to create something truly special.
Thank you, God help!
Based on 168 reviews


Foarte frumos. Doamne ajută!

Brățară Sfântul Pantelimon
Cirimpei Alina Georgeta
Foarte frumoasa

O bratara foarte frumoasa!

Deosebite și calitative.

Pandantiv „Iisus pe Cruce

Am primit pandantivul este exact cum arată și în descriere. Mă așteptam să fie puțin mai masiv ,dar este ok sunt mulțumit.

Bratara Maica Domnului

Bratara este foarte frumoasa🙏

Pandantiv Mântuitorul pe Cruce, Acoperământul MD

Super calitate

Exact cum ma așteptam. Superb. Doamne ajuta!

Bratara snur Sf Spiridon

Bratara este superba si se poate ajusta pentru orice marime🙏




Frumos făcut

produse de calitate

produs conform descrieri din anunț, arată, se simte ca un produs de calitate...


Brățară este foarte frumoasa dar și foarte larga, toate brățările sunt asa de largi?

Doamne ajută!

Va mulțumesc frumos, comanda a ajuns azi, medalionul este superb, ceva unic ! Îl voi purta cu drag și credința !
Impresionată de rapiditatea expedierii și calitatea produsului primit !

Deosebit de frumos

Recomand acest metanier deosebit!🙏

Bijuterie unicat

Este o bijuterie frumos lucrată din metale prețioase argint placat cu aur dar,valoarea ei este dată de imaginea Maicii Domnului care ne apără de cele șapte săgeți și de Arhanghelul Gavriil ce răspândește bucuria.

Produse de calitate.

Brățară cu Cruce ICXC NIKA, mică
Lungu Laurentiu Gabriel

Foarte frumoasa,bine lucrată

Foarte frumoasa, soției i-a plăcut acest cadou de Crăciun.

Recomand cu drag

Brățară metanie foarte frumos lucrată și rapid livrată!

O icoana foarte frumos lucrată 🙏


Este ce mi-am dorit. Finuța,bine lucrată.

Foarte fine si deosebite .